

  • Abschluss MBA
  • Dauer 5 Semester
  • Art Fernstudium, Blended Learning

The MBA Renewables is an internationally oriented program focused on renewable energies and their management. The program is conducted by the University of Applied Sciences Berlin in cooperation with the Renewables Academy (RENAC). It is aimed at professionals who want to deepen their knowledge in renewable energies and aspire to leadership positions. The program is offered as a part-time distance learning course, allowing for flexible time management to balance work and study. The curriculum is practice-oriented and delivered by industry experts. Graduates of this program are equipped to develop and implement sustainable energy concepts.

MBA Renewables Program at Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Technology

The MBA Renewables generally lasts five semesters and is designed as a part-time course. The program comprises a total of 90 ECTS credits. Most of the course content is taught online, supplemented by short attendance phases in Berlin. This allows you to design your studies flexibly so that you can optimally combine your career and further education. In the MBA Renewables program, you'll gain management and leadership skills, learn about energy policy, support mechanisms, and regulations, and explore renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies. The curriculum includes 15 modules: 11 mandatory and 4 elective. You'll taking 3-4 modules per semester in the first four semesters, with each module requiring about 125 hours. The fifth semester is dedicated to your Master’s thesis. The total cost is €19,800, payable in 5 instalments of €3,960.

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Überblick über den Studiengang

Career Prospects:

  • Leadership positions in renewable energy companies
  • Consulting roles in environmental and energy agencies
  • Project management in international energy projects
  • Development and implementation of sustainability strategies in companies
  • Teaching and research positions in the field of renewable energies

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