Infobroschüre anfordern Zur Hochschule

Global Management

  • Abschluss Master of Business Administration
  • Dauer 4 Semester (bei typischer Anrechnung)
  • Art Fernstudium, Blended Learning, Berufsbegleitendes Präsenzstudium

In order to maneuver the global world of commerce and successfully sell their products and services, companies need capable leaders. The Global Management MBA offered by Technical University Ingolstadt of Applied Sciences aims to help you become one of those leaders.

You will acquire in-depth knowledge in supply chain management, in regards to international partnerships and borderless artificial intelligence, but also concerning operational and strategic management. The programme also emphasises the advantages of leading diverse teams: students are taught that leading ethically, responsibly and strategically will make a difference in a globally competitive market.


  • management positions in globally acting companies
  • business development
  • product management
  • leading production areas
  • consulting 

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Überblick über den Studiengang

Studienverlauf, -inhalte & Besonderheiten

The programme is taught exclusively in English. Enrollment is available for the winter term of each year.
The MBA consists of five semesters. You will graduate with a Master’s of Arts. In the first and second semester, you acquire knowledge in various types of social skills and management, some of them integrating an international aspect. In the third and fourth semester you dive deep into several different areas of operational management (such as accounting and supply chain). In the fourth semester, you additionally have the opportunity to apply your acquired expertise during a hands-on project on International Venture Creation. The MBA concludes with a Master Thesis in which you conduct an in-depth analysis of a specific topic and investigate it with scientific methods.

Study contents

  • Cross-Cultural Competence
  • Personal and Social Skills
  • Operational and Strategic Management
  • International Marketing and Sales
  • Managerial and Financial Accounting
  • International Supply Chain Management
  • Digital Business Management
  • Cross-Cultural Management


  • completed undergraduate degree (210 ECTS) in one of the following areas: engineering, IT, natural sciences, economics or management or
  • equivalent degree from a higher education institution abroad; in this case, a preliminary assessment of your degree from abroad through uni-assist is mandatory, which can take up to six weeks to process and
  • at least one year of work experience in a qualified position after completing the undergraduate degree or plus
  • B2-level English proficiency

Admission requirements with a Bachelor degree with less than 210 ECTS: If you have obtained a Bachelor degree with only 180 ECTS there is a possibility to substitute the missing 30 ECTS credit points with qualified work experience, gained after your first academic degree.

Kosten & Finanzierung

Tuition is 9,900 Euros. Additionally, there is another 67 Euros administrative fee each semester.

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